კითხვის უნარის განვითარების სტრატეგიები კითხვის სირთულის მქონე დაწყებითი საფეხურის მოსწავლეებისთვის
Date Issued
The thesis focuses on reading disorder (dyslexia) and addresses the learning needs of pupils with this difficulty in the educational and teaching process. In particular, it’s early identification and ways to overcome reading difficulties through guide and effective strategies. The article discusses the varied experiences of developed countries in overcoming reading difficulties in students with dyslexia based on international research, theoretical foundations and practice (International Dyslexia Association, British Dyslexia Association, National Reading Panel (NICHD- National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. 1997), Institute of Child Mental Development (Child Mind Institute)), Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Response to Intervention (RTI) model, also, based on my thirteen years of experience, we have prepared recommendations and guidelines for teachers and other interested parties. The article also presents a form for a list of indicators (checklist) for assessing dyslexia, created as part of our study. It will allow teachers and other interested persons to assess the difficulties in developing reading skills in pupils aged 6–11 years.
The study involved 305 students, 98 of whom suffered from dyslexia. Based on data processing with SPSS, it was confirmed that by using list form of dyslexia assessment indicators (checklist), created by us, could identify a 6-11-year-old (including first to fifth grades) student with dyslexia/reading delay. The article discusses various courses in reading development skills such as: Wilson Reading System (WRS), Orton-Gillingham Approach, Preventing Academic Failure (PAF (Reading Program), Lindamood-Bell - Bell Reading Program and RAVE-O (Retrival, Automaticity, Vocabulary, Engagement, Orthography) program.
The article discusses the process of reading development and the best approach in detail, which includes the development of areas such as: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics/Alphabet Skills, ability to read fluently/correctly, Vocabulary/Spoken Language Development, and Reading understanding/comprehension- therefore, it will be important guidance to teachers, special education teachers and other interested parties when working with a student with dyslexia.
The study involved 305 students, 98 of whom suffered from dyslexia. Based on data processing with SPSS, it was confirmed that by using list form of dyslexia assessment indicators (checklist), created by us, could identify a 6-11-year-old (including first to fifth grades) student with dyslexia/reading delay. The article discusses various courses in reading development skills such as: Wilson Reading System (WRS), Orton-Gillingham Approach, Preventing Academic Failure (PAF (Reading Program), Lindamood-Bell - Bell Reading Program and RAVE-O (Retrival, Automaticity, Vocabulary, Engagement, Orthography) program.
The article discusses the process of reading development and the best approach in detail, which includes the development of areas such as: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics/Alphabet Skills, ability to read fluently/correctly, Vocabulary/Spoken Language Development, and Reading understanding/comprehension- therefore, it will be important guidance to teachers, special education teachers and other interested parties when working with a student with dyslexia.
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კითხვის უნარის განვითარების სტრატეგიები კითხვის სირთულის მქონე დაწყებითი საფეხურის მოსწავლეებისთვის
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