სტალინი და ქართული ნაციონალიზმი 1930–50–იან წლებში
Date Issued
This paper is about the establishment of Stalin’s cult, which has been observed since 1930s and became a part of Georgian nationalism in 1950s.
The item is actual, because this theme is not deeply examined: Why did Stalin become an integral part of Georgian nationalism in the 1930s and 1950s.
The aim of the research is to explain why did Stalin become the part of Georgian nationalism and why did Georgians sacrifice their lives for person, who took part in loosing statehood, Research based on the different official documents and memoires and interviews.
According to research hypotheses, Stalin became the part of Georgian nationalism for two reasons: soviet national policy and the victory in World War 2 as a source of propaganda.
Master’s thesis is based on the official documents and memoires and use qualitative research and in-depth study of the issue.
The research seeks to examine one direction of modernism theory-political transformation theory, in particular Eric Hobsbawm’s theory-“the invention of tradition” and second-Hana Arendt’s theory of totalitarianism.
The item is actual, because this theme is not deeply examined: Why did Stalin become an integral part of Georgian nationalism in the 1930s and 1950s.
The aim of the research is to explain why did Stalin become the part of Georgian nationalism and why did Georgians sacrifice their lives for person, who took part in loosing statehood, Research based on the different official documents and memoires and interviews.
According to research hypotheses, Stalin became the part of Georgian nationalism for two reasons: soviet national policy and the victory in World War 2 as a source of propaganda.
Master’s thesis is based on the official documents and memoires and use qualitative research and in-depth study of the issue.
The research seeks to examine one direction of modernism theory-political transformation theory, in particular Eric Hobsbawm’s theory-“the invention of tradition” and second-Hana Arendt’s theory of totalitarianism.
MA-Thesis-Bendianishvili (1).pdf
სტალინი და ქართული ნაციონალიზმი 1930–50–იან წლებში
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