არამატერიალური კულტურული მემკვიდრეობის მართვის ასპექტები ტურიზმში (ქართული ხალხური ტრადიციების მაგალითზე)
Date Issued
The problem of using intangible cultural heritage tourism is important in Georgia, as it is difficult for
tour operators to incorporate these cultural elements into the tour program and to attract tourists in
this regard.
After the studies issues during the prepare master I tried fully show samples of intangible cultural
heritage in Georgia, when it is filed as an intangible monument, the current situation of cultural
heritage and the problems of engaging in the tourist product. There are also recommendations,
various examples of how to develop this part in tourism field and how other countries increased the
economy of the country by popularization of intangible cultural monuments.
While working on a master's thesis and research, it has been revealed that Georgia has a great
potential, that in cultural tourism, use the role of intangible cultural monuments, but our country is
unfortunately not using this chance, which is a disadvantage of Georgia as a tourist country.
If we look at the international experience of world countries, in Georgia it is necessary to manage
intangible cultural monuments, involvement of central government as well as full coordination of
regional and municipal agencies in management of intangible cultural monuments and coordinate
The Master's thesis there are recommendations, that it’s important to have a relationship between the
state and private sectors. It’s very important to understand the problem, develop a plan to transform
the intangible cultural heritage into a sphere of tourism, retraining staff and etc.
The conclusion of the Master's Thesis includes proposals for the use and inclusion of intangible
cultural heritage monuments in the tourism sphere.
tour operators to incorporate these cultural elements into the tour program and to attract tourists in
this regard.
After the studies issues during the prepare master I tried fully show samples of intangible cultural
heritage in Georgia, when it is filed as an intangible monument, the current situation of cultural
heritage and the problems of engaging in the tourist product. There are also recommendations,
various examples of how to develop this part in tourism field and how other countries increased the
economy of the country by popularization of intangible cultural monuments.
While working on a master's thesis and research, it has been revealed that Georgia has a great
potential, that in cultural tourism, use the role of intangible cultural monuments, but our country is
unfortunately not using this chance, which is a disadvantage of Georgia as a tourist country.
If we look at the international experience of world countries, in Georgia it is necessary to manage
intangible cultural monuments, involvement of central government as well as full coordination of
regional and municipal agencies in management of intangible cultural monuments and coordinate
The Master's thesis there are recommendations, that it’s important to have a relationship between the
state and private sectors. It’s very important to understand the problem, develop a plan to transform
the intangible cultural heritage into a sphere of tourism, retraining staff and etc.
The conclusion of the Master's Thesis includes proposals for the use and inclusion of intangible
cultural heritage monuments in the tourism sphere.
MA tkebuchava sazgeo.pdf
არამატერიალური კულტურული მემკვიდრეობის მართვის ასპექტები ტურიზმში (ქართული ხალხური ტრადიციების მაგალითზე)
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