2003 წლის ერაყის ომი: აშშ-ს ხელისუფლების მიერ განხორციელებული სამხედრო ოპერაციის ფუნდამენტური მიზეზების ახსნა
Date Issued
The 2003 Iraq war still doesn’t lose its actuality and is often a cause of disputes. A lot of attention was given to the beginning of the United States’ military operation and the following events, there is still a lot of ambiguity created around it because of the biased and superficial information. Often the discussions around the causes of the war is dictated from the ideological prism, which complicates the objective view of the whole picture.
Based on above mentioned, I decided to concentrate on the causes of the 2003 war within my thesis and to bring more clarity around this issue. Besides the causes of the war, the thesis also includes issues such as US-Iraq history and US’s attitude towards the whole region.
To explain the main reasons of the 2003 war, I will use the realistic theory of the international relations, which best suits and explains this hypothesis.
Based on above mentioned, I decided to concentrate on the causes of the 2003 war within my thesis and to bring more clarity around this issue. Besides the causes of the war, the thesis also includes issues such as US-Iraq history and US’s attitude towards the whole region.
To explain the main reasons of the 2003 war, I will use the realistic theory of the international relations, which best suits and explains this hypothesis.
MA-Zaza-Abashidze (1) diplom.pdf
2003 წლის ერაყის ომი: აშშ-ს ხელისუფლების მიერ განხორციელებული სამხედრო ოპერაციის ფუნდამენტური მიზეზების ახსნა
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