მიმდინარე პანდემიის პირობებში ეკონომიკური მდგომარეობის ანალიზი საქართველოსა და მის პარტნიორ ქვეყნებში
Date Issued
"Economics is the science of everyday life" - Alfred Marshall.
"Economy" - is a Greek word and means "a person who runs a household".
Economy is an integral part of our lives. Willingly or unwillingly, we have to solve economic problems on a daily basis. For example: how to earn money, where and how to spend it, whether to exchange it for another currency, how to save and where? Etc. Because of all this, economics is an integral part of our lives at any age.
The economy is divided into two parts - macroeconomics and microeconomics.
Microeconomics studies the activities of individual economic entities. For example: hired workers, firms, traders and more.
Macroeconomics studies and reviews the functioning of a country's economy.
As for the development of the country's economy, it mainly depends on the reforms carried out by the state, the incentives and motivations that will contribute to the rapid growth and development of the economy. Will enable people to use all the resources that the country has the opportunity. Track what is more or less in demand, be it services or products, and regulate the market accordingly.
In this master's thesis, I will talk about how the state was able, in the conditions of the new coronavirus, to take care of both the business and its own population economically. How many reforms were carried out and the state budget was properly distributed.
"Economy" - is a Greek word and means "a person who runs a household".
Economy is an integral part of our lives. Willingly or unwillingly, we have to solve economic problems on a daily basis. For example: how to earn money, where and how to spend it, whether to exchange it for another currency, how to save and where? Etc. Because of all this, economics is an integral part of our lives at any age.
The economy is divided into two parts - macroeconomics and microeconomics.
Microeconomics studies the activities of individual economic entities. For example: hired workers, firms, traders and more.
Macroeconomics studies and reviews the functioning of a country's economy.
As for the development of the country's economy, it mainly depends on the reforms carried out by the state, the incentives and motivations that will contribute to the rapid growth and development of the economy. Will enable people to use all the resources that the country has the opportunity. Track what is more or less in demand, be it services or products, and regulate the market accordingly.
In this master's thesis, I will talk about how the state was able, in the conditions of the new coronavirus, to take care of both the business and its own population economically. How many reforms were carried out and the state budget was properly distributed.
Nino Metonidze Samagistro 2.pdf
მიმდინარე პანდემიის პირობებში ეკონომიკური მდგომარეობის ანალიზი საქართველოსა და მის პარტნიორ ქვეყნებში
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