Researcher Profile Statistics: ქოქოლაძე, ნინო

From:   ever     To:   now     Change date range
Geo Map
Region #
AS - Asia, other 439
EU - Europe 22
NA - North America 11
Unknown 3
Total 475
Country #
GE - Georgia 437
US - United States of America 9
RU - Russian Federation 7
FR - France 5
DE - Germany 4
PT - Portugal 2
AG - Antigua and Barbuda 1
BY - Belarus 1
CA - Canada 1
IE - Ireland 1
other - Other Country 7
Total 475
City #
K'alak'i T'bilisi 333
Batumi 33
Tbilisi 31
Kutaisi 20
Bolnisi 2
Fafe 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Atlanta 1
Boardman 1
Dublin 1
other 49
Total 475
Most downloaded files #
ID: 10435 - Nino Kokoladze Samagistro.pdf - ITEM:( 1/2646) 475
Total 475
Most bitstream per type viewed #
ID: all - 475
ID: other - 0
ID: journal - 0
ID: conference - 0
ID: patent - 0
ID: book - 0
ID: dataset - 0
ID: selected - 0
Total 475

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tot
2021 00 0000 0000 311 14
2022 155 22175776 405419 3131 322
2023 135 3122119 2035 14 88
2024 58 18204 3200 00 51
Ever 475