ფილაშვილი, ელენეელენეფილაშვილიPilashvili, EleneElenePilashvili2025-02-132025-02-132022-03-18https://openscience.ge/handle/1/7740The given article discusses a complex sentence with an attributive clause in Guram Dochanashvili’s novel “The First Garment”. The attributive clause gives a broad explanation about an antecedent in the main clause and a complementizer that is related to it. Relative pronoun in the attributive clause agrees with the word (antecedent) in number and is declined according to a predicate in the subordinate clause. Attributive clause is related to a declinable word in main clause, such as noun, pronoun or infinitive. Position of subordinate clause is studied with its subordinators and complementizers in a complex sentence. In Guram Dochanashvili’s novel, main and subordinate clauses are related to each other by: 1. subordinators: rom [that], titkos [as if; as though]; 2. relative pronouns: vinc [who], rac [ that], romelic [ which], rogoric [ how], ranairic [ what kind/type]; ramdenic [how many]; 3. relative adverbs: sadac [where], saidanac [from where] and is, igi [he/she/it], iseti [such s] are used as correlatives. Complementizer – rom [that] (from relative pronouns), romelic [which/that/who] (from relative pronoun) and sadac [where] (from relative adverbs) are frequently used to join main and subordinate clauses together. There are no writing deviations within this construction in the novel.enსინტაქსიჰიპოტაქსური კონსტრუქციაგანსაზღვრებითი დამოკიდებული კონსტრუქციამთავარიდამოკიდებულიattributive clausehypotactic constructionmainsubordinatesyntaxAttributive Clause in Georgian Languageგანსაზღვრებითი დამოკიდებული წინადადება ქართულში (გურამ დოჩანაშვილის სამოლესი პირველის მიხედვით)journal-articlehttps://doi.org/10.21744/lingcure.v6nS2.2175