Licheli, VakhtangVakhtangLicheliGagoshidze, GiorgiGiorgiGagoshidzeKasradze, MerabMerabKasradze2022-01-122022-01-122021Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia. Brill, 2021, Vol.27, N 2, pp. 328-336 article is devoted to the materials found during the excavations of St. George Church located in the southern part of Cyprus, near the village of Softades. In the cultural layers inside of this church, pottery belonging to the Roman period, Iron Age and Late Bronze Age has been discovered. It is discussed in this article.enAncient HistoryClassical StudiesPreliminary Report on Archaeological Excavations in Sophtades, Cyprus: Pre-Byzantine PotteryArticle10.1163/15700577-12341396