შენგელია, ქეთიქეთიშენგელია2021-12-062021-12-062021https://openscience.ge/handle/1/2653Covid-19 has affected the news, journalism, and the media system, among other domains. Scientists have already discovered a solution against covid-19, which is vaccination. However, a large part of the population does not trust vaccines. The number of people against immunization today is alarming, as well as different interpretations of covid-19 by different TV channels. The aim of the research in this article is to determine the process related to the immunization process in the society based on the TV coverage of Covid-19.kaეპიდვითარების გაშუქებაიმუნიზაციაიმედირუსთავი 2covid-19Covid-19 მედიის დღის წესრიგში და იმუნიზაციის პროცესისტატია