Asanishvili, PikriaDzidziguri, KristineKristineDzidziguri2020-01-132020-01-132018, NATO-Russia Relationship, NATO security in the Black Sea and the case of Turkey is an actual topic and current developing history. After the annexation of Crimea by Russia, the situation became clearer to the Western World. Russia is trying to destabilize the region and spread its power around. Evidently, Turkey is the key country, which plays the most important role in the Black Sea region. Lately, democratic regression in Turkey doesn’t seem very promising towards the relations with the Western community. Turkey’s position and its foreign policy towards the West, Russia and regional countries seem crucial for the regional politics. This paper tries to analyze main political security concerns in the Black Sea region. How the annexation of Crimea influenced on increasing the role of Turkey in the NATO Black Sea security and what is NATO’s new strategy regarding the ‘balancing of power’ with Russia.54 გვ.kaThe Black Sea Geographical valueGeopolitical Value of Crimea and Interests of Regional ActorsMilitary CapabilitiesImportance of Turkey in the NATO Black Sea Security After the Annexation of Crimea in 2014master thesis