Duchidze, GiviGiviDuchidzeდუჩიძე, გივიგივიდუჩიძე2021-12-292021-12-292020Collection of Scientific Papers, 2020სამეცნიერო შრომების კრებული, 2020https://openscience.ge/handle/1/2733https://doi.org/10.48616/eeu-csp-2020-p19The article discusses topical issues of corporate governance formation in Georgia, which were founded in the 1990s. The steps taken towards the implementation of the Anglo-Saxon model of corporate governance in Georgia are assessed. The problems of corporate governance that are characteristic of both Western European countries and Georgia are analyzed, and steps are taken to address these problems. The trends in the formation of corporate legislation in Georgia are discussed. It is suggested that in order to establish a high standard of corporate governance in Georgia, it is necessary to develop and adopt a Corporate Governance Code of Companies, which ensures the establishment of general principles of corporate governance.enCorporationManagementBusinessShareholdersPpropertyLegislationკორპორაციამართვაბიზნესიაქციონერებისაკუთრებაკანონმდებლობაPeculiarities of Corporate Covernance Improvement in Georgiaკორპორაციული მართვის სრულყოფის თავისებურები საქართველოშიArticle