სიდამონიძე, მაკამაკასიდამონიძეShorena DzamukaSviliSidamonidze, MakaMakaSidamonidze2025-02-192025-02-192023-05-30https://openscience.ge/handle/1/7869Inclusive education is a way, means and approach for high quality education for the students having learning disabilities. Scientists confessed that the students could have difficulties in acquiring academic skills even then they didn’t have neurological disorders. Here we should mention that in the 30ies of the XX century teachers and scientists such as Levin, Boskis, Khvattsev, Rau and others started to study dysgraphia (and dyslexia). When we talk more precisely about dysgraphia, the most valuable contribution was done by Kirk, Nevolina, Kornev, Lyapidevsky, Shakhovskaya, Gogoshidze, Tkeshelashvili, Isakadze and others. While formation –development writing skills the students encounter various difficulties and require special assistance, methodology, activities and resources. In order to study the dynamics of writing skills development among students with learning disabilities at school, it was important to listen to the opinion of teachers of the subject Georgian language and literature and find out how they develop their writing skills. Accordingly, our planned qualitative research was conducted in five public schools of the municipality of Telavi on the basis of fifth-sixth grades. The schools were chosen purposefully, during the preliminary investigation, students with learning disabilities were identified, especially in these classes. All of them are evaluated and an individual curriculum is compiled for them. As a research tool, we used a structured questionnaire prepared in advance by us, which was sent to teachers of the Georgian language and literature (their number is 5). We selected open-ended questions, the answers to which, according to our assumption, would present a kind of picture of the atmosphere in the classroom and the problems associated with the development of writing skills in students with learning disabilities. The research proves that while teaching for students with learning disabilities, one of the obstructive factors is students’ low self-evaluation and motivation, also not having the skill of self-regulation own learning. While study process it is not managed to effectively improve them. If we don’t teach self-regulation of learning to students step by step, s/he will always be relayed on others during learning which will influence self-evaluation and motivation.enინკლუზიასსსმ მოსწავლედასწავლის უნარის დარღვევაInclusive educationLearning disabilitiesWriting skillsResearch resultsStudy Of Writing Skills In Students With Learning Disabilities,,დასწავლის უნარის დარღვევის მქონე მოსწავლეთა წერითი უნარების კვლევა’’journal-article10.15863/TAS.2023.05.121.40