გრძელიშვილი, ნოდარშინდელიშვილი, ნათიანათიაშინდელიშვილიხუცურაული, მაიამაიახუცურაულიმესხიშვილი, თამთათამთამესხიშვილი2019-10-242019-10-242019https://openscience.ge/handle/1/267The paper deals with the topic of digital business models in tourism and their importance for the industry. The main focus of the study is digital business model and how new technologies had influenced traditional business models. The aim of the study is to investigate the effect of digital technologies on tourism industry and on the businesses operational activities within the sector. The aim of the research is to find out how far the digitalization has already changed the tourism industry. The constant development of technologies and increased demand from customer to communicate online, requires companies to invest in business model inovation and experimentations, in order to stay competitive in the travel sector. Moreover, the study emphasizes the importance of the tuorims industry for Georgia and examines the tourism development strategy 2025 and legislative regulations, which serve sustainable development of the tourism industry. The main focus of the study is to identify the problems and challenges facing Georgia and issue recommendations that could be tulized to overcome some of the challenges.kaTourism IndustryBusiness ModelDigitizationChallenges in tourism industry in Georgiaტურიზმის ინდუსტრიაბიზნეს მოდელიციფრული ტექნოლოგიებიგამოწვევები ტურიზმის ინდუსტრიაშიციფრული ბიზნეს მოდელები ტურიზმში - მსოფლიოში აღიარებული სტანდარტები და საქართველოში არსებული გამოწვევებიmaster thesis