ჯიქია, მარიკაბოხუა, ნელინელიბოხუა2019-11-152019-11-152019https://openscience.ge/handle/1/546Over the centuries, the Republic of Turkey (formerly the Ottoman Empire) played an important political and cultural role in the Caucasus region. It had a close relationship with Azerbaijan, which continues to be active and gradually evolving gradually. Diplomatic relations have always been present and are still linguistic and interconnected. Consequently, the aim of the research is to determine the similarities and differences between the languages of the two countries. The work deals with phonetic, morphological and orthographic issues. There are also some chapters that have a common base of verbs, and they discuss and disclose. One more outcome we have received from this study is that the underlying meaning in both versions of Turkish is identical. A single-century break between Turkey and Azerbaijan became the cause of phonetic, morphological and semantic differences in their languages. Nowadays, Turkey and Azerbaijan have more cultural connections. We hope that this approximation is reflected in these two languages. This study is built on Turkish, Russian, English and Azeri materials. This work consists of 3 chapters and several subjects.This work is interesting for all the readers who are interested in researching this issue and will greatly help a group of readers who want to deepen knowledge in the above issues.kaაზერბაიჯანული და თურქული ენებიზმნების შედარებითი ანალიზითურქული და აზერბაიჯანული ენების ურთიერთმიმართებაmaster thesis