ბიზნესის როლი ეთნო-პოლიტიკური კონფლიქტების მშვიდობიან ტრანსფორმაციაში
Date Issued
Today's world order and globalization have led to the leading role and importance of
international business in ethno-political conflicts. Business created conditions for more
intensive ties and cooperation. For the last half-century, the world has become more open,
which has increased international business opportunities.
The business closely connects individuals and enterprises, breaking artificially created
political barriers, gives more economic freedom to enable them to use their own skills in
peace building.
In the settlement of ethno-political conflicts, business is important. Its science is defined
by its socio-cultural environment. Success in business ethnopolitical conflicts depends on
the nature of relations with partners, the establishment of business connections,
understanding of partners motivation and impression on them.
Due to these and other provided questions we consider that the work will be rather
interesting for the circle of readers as well as interested in this issue specialists.
international business in ethno-political conflicts. Business created conditions for more
intensive ties and cooperation. For the last half-century, the world has become more open,
which has increased international business opportunities.
The business closely connects individuals and enterprises, breaking artificially created
political barriers, gives more economic freedom to enable them to use their own skills in
peace building.
In the settlement of ethno-political conflicts, business is important. Its science is defined
by its socio-cultural environment. Success in business ethnopolitical conflicts depends on
the nature of relations with partners, the establishment of business connections,
understanding of partners motivation and impression on them.
Due to these and other provided questions we consider that the work will be rather
interesting for the circle of readers as well as interested in this issue specialists.
MA Thesis. Ananeishvili konfl.pdf
ბიზნესის როლი ეთნო-პოლიტიკური კონფლიქტების მშვიდობიან ტრანსფორმაციაში
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