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Publication 112-ის თანამშრომლების დაბალი მოტივაციის მიზეზები და მათი აღმოფხვრის გზები მომსახურების შემდგომი გაუმჯობესების მიზნით(Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, 2019); ; ; Master's work reflects the importance of emergency situations and urgent care management services to the public. The importance of the mood of the staff working for their effective and efficient work. Characteristics of the personnel attitude, description, differentiation of positive and negative factors. Searching for ways to eliminate negative factors and strengthening positive factors. The work presents the ways of raising the motivation of personnel and introduction in practice based on the views expressed by the staff themselves. Master's work has been used in foreign and Georgian literature, the study of the structures of foreign and Georgian emergency services, the working principles and assessment of employees' attitude based on different research and publications. The work studied 911 - Principles of Emergency Assistance and Emergency Management Services of America. The Administrative Structure of the Call Center Center is presented. The survey conducted by the Bureau staff is analyzed. It is noted that the personnel's view is more or less different in relation to various issues, though morality, which creates an organizational environment, is low. This means that staff require high selfconsciousness from leadership. The study also shows the types of calls received from the agency and the diagram showing dependence on the level of stress received by the staff. The second chapter of the Master's Study has been studied by the specifications and problems of the European 112.176 603 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Event 20 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication 1841 წლის გურიის აჯანყებაწარმოდგენილ ნაშრომში განხილულია 1841 წლის აჯანყება გურიაში. აქვე განხილულია აჯანყების გამომწვევი მიზეზები - გურიაში შექმნილი რთული საზოგადოებრივ-პოლიტიკური და სოციალურ-ეკონომიკური მდგომარეობა, რომელსაც გარკვეულ წილად განაპირობებდა იმჟამინდელი საშინაო და საგარეო პოლიტიკური ფაქტორები. დეტალურადაა განხილული აჯანყების დასაწყისი, მსვლელობა, ხელისუფლების მიერ გადადგმული ნაბიჯები აჯანყების შესაჩერებლად, აჯანყების გაძლიერება, მათი დამარცხება და გასამართლება. საკითხის ირგვლივ არსებული წყაროებისა და ისტორიოგრაფიის მიმოხილვის შემდეგ გამოთქმულია საისნტერესო შეფასებები ცალკეულ საკითხებთან დაკავშირებით.858 155 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication 1919 წლის დამფუძნებელი კრების არჩევნები და პოლიტიკური პარტიების პროგრამები(Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, 2019); ; ; Our research topic is free elections of Georgia’s first democratic republic’s representative body – founders’ assembly, it’s preparation work, participant parties and their election programs. The research is based on scientific literature, archival and press materials of that period that exists around our topic. Within our research we aim to present as elections and its preparation process, as also political parties election programs and ideological confrontation. 100 years have already passed after the first free elections of Georgia been held and although this topic never loses its significance, this year has attracted special attention because this election can be regarded as one of the most democratic elections in Georgia. The research of the topic will encourage better survey of Georgia’s first democratic republic, the coverage of the facts and events thanks to what the Republic of Georgia and its figures occupied a decent place in that world. Through the research of the issue we are assured that the election of the founders' assembly with its statute, election commission and political processes expresses the high quality of democracy that Georgia had had more than 100 years ago.1096 375 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication 1974 წლის კონსტიტუციით დადგენილი კოსოვოსა და ვოევოდინას პოლიტიკური სტატუსი: იუგოსლავიის დეზინტეგრაციის დასაწყისი(Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, 2019); ; ; The purpose of the thesis is to make the connection between the 1974 Yugoslav Constitution and the collapse of Yugoslavian unity. The main research object is the expanding of political rights of the Serbian Autonomous Provinces of Kosovo and Vojvodina that became almost similar to republics. The topicality of the question is defined by various reasons. The breakup of SFR Yugoslavia was one of the most significant geopolitical change in the second half of the 20th century. It’s obvious that the issue has become enthralling for many researchers and academic literature has been enriched by a lot of interesting books and articles. In this context, the 1974 Constitution is too topical among researchers. The constitution that led to important institutional changes in Yugoslavia, had a big influence on future development of the country. The 1974 Constitution in important during considering of Yugoslav Wars in 1990s and Kosovo problems in 2000s. It’s also important to analyze how can constitutional and institutional changes have an influence on the society. The purpose of the research is to study effects of the changes in the status of Kosovo and Vojvodina to the weakening of the ‘Yugoslav Unity’ that followed by the dissolution of SFR Yugoslavia and long armed conflicts. The thesis pays much attention to the rise of Serbian Nationalism in 1980s. Here is a detailed review of the political situation in Kosovo and also is analyzed the role of Serbian political elites, intellectuals and society in the political processes. The research has proved the suggestion that the political rights of the Kosovo and Vojvodina which were granted by the 1974 Constitution, had a negative impact on the existence of united Yugoslavia. On this way Serbian Nationalism played an important role. Once the issue is topical, the paper and the result of the research are expected to be interesting for the readers.137 264 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication 1990-იანი წლების საქართველოში დაოჯახებული არასრულწლოვანი გოგოები და მათი დღევანდელი გამოწვევები(Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, 2018); ; ; My Master paper is concerned with researching the early marriage problem in 1990s Georgia. The goal of the research was to study marriage influence on underage girls lives. Also, I have studied the main reasons, which were creating preconditions and were influencing young people to start a family. In the frame of the research, I have studied what knowledge girls had about sexual and reproductive health and rights, how they faced new challenges and what was their way of coping with stress. Besides, I was interested in if they had access to education, employment, self-realization and independence. The research gave me the opportunity to observe a variety of problems that girls faced in the past and also, how they overcame those problems. 48 The paper is based on results of the qualitative research and indicates that there were cases of basic human rights violation in the families created by young people. The underage girls experienced domestic violence, did not have access to education and were later followed by employment problems. The research participants had severe health complications, in some cases life threatening ones. Underage girls could not escape unwanted, violent relationships and had to stay in marriage against their wills. In the frame of this research, I had chance to observe how early marriage affected young girs, how they dealt with problems and what is their reflection on the past. At the end of this research I have made recommendations, regarding further research of the above-mention group to explore other violations. Also, I recommend using the results of this research and studied experience in programs to raise awareness and make this data accessible to groups working on early marriage issues.304 486 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication 2,2’-(ნაფთილენ-1,5-დი-ილ-ბის(აზანედილ))ბის(თიაზოლ-4(5H)-ონის) სინთეზი და კვლევა.(Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, 2019); ; ; At present, the synthesis of biologically active materials is a urgent problem. It is especially important to create preparations whose activity helps diminish, slow down or entirely stop spreading of cancerous cells. In this respect, some compounds containing imidazole and thiazole rings are notable, which revealed intercalation and inhibitory activity. On the other hand, naphthalene ring-containing esters show antimicrobial, antiinflammatory, analgesic and antihypoxial properties. It is noteworthy that naphthalene derivatives synthesized earlier at the Department of Organic Chemistry of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University also revealed antimicrobial properties. We condensed the naphthalene ring-containing heterocyclic systems synthesized earlier at the department of organic chemistry in order to synthesize new possible biologically active heterocyclic compounds and their derivatives with imidazole and thiazole rings. In particular, we synthesized and studied the compounds containing novel thiazole and imidazole rings on the 1,3-diaminonaphthalene basis. We worked out obtaining methods, determined the structure of intermediate and final products, and optimized the reaction conditions.116 155 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication 2003 წლის ერაყის ომი – ბუშის ადმინისტრაციის გადაწყვეტილების ცენტრალური ფაქტორები და მათი ახსნა რეალისტური პერსპექტივიდან(Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, 2017); ; ; Conducted research has one main objective: to disperse the ambiguity which still appears around the Iraq War (2003). Since 2003, after the beginning of Operation Enduring Freedom, multiple authors wrote the books and papers about reasons and explanations of the Iraq War. But, in my opinion, majority of these works were characterized by superficiality. I haven’t read a paper which would fill the gap and put this conflict into the adequate context of international relations theory. On this basis, I believe that my reasearch will be serious contribution in understanding of this confrontation. And also, it will make the attempt to bring the practical side of the US foreign policy towards the Middle East to light. Research question is the following: Why did George W. Bush’s administration make decision to invade Iraq in 2003? Consequently, the hypothesis is the following: The decision to invade Iraq in 2003 was made because of 3 central reasons/factors: 1. Doubts that Saddam Hussein’s Iraq had WMD capabilities; 2. Cooperation of Saddam Hussein with terrorists; 3. Neutralization of the threat of Iran. To explain the hypothesis I’ll use the theory of international relations – Realism, which gives the special emphasis to security of the state in international environment. Iraq War still is debated among scholars as a starting point of the massive events in the Middle East – Arab Spring, Syrian Civil War, etc. Consequently, the adequate understanding of the conflict still keeps its relevance.990 230 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication 2003 წლის ერაყის ომი: აშშ-ს ხელისუფლების მიერ განხორციელებული სამხედრო ოპერაციის ფუნდამენტური მიზეზების ახსნა(Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, 2019); ; ; The 2003 Iraq war still doesn’t lose its actuality and is often a cause of disputes. A lot of attention was given to the beginning of the United States’ military operation and the following events, there is still a lot of ambiguity created around it because of the biased and superficial information. Often the discussions around the causes of the war is dictated from the ideological prism, which complicates the objective view of the whole picture. Based on above mentioned, I decided to concentrate on the causes of the 2003 war within my thesis and to bring more clarity around this issue. Besides the causes of the war, the thesis also includes issues such as US-Iraq history and US’s attitude towards the whole region. To explain the main reasons of the 2003 war, I will use the realistic theory of the international relations, which best suits and explains this hypothesis.274 2756 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication 2008 August war end perspeqtives of regulation of Russian-Georgian Relations(Caucasus International University, 2019); ; ; The subject of the Master's Thesis is relevant today, since the work involves such topics as relations between Russia and Georgia, the August 2008 war and the post war period. In addition, the work analyzes the historical stages of relations between these two countries, including the period from the Treaty of Georgievsk and chronologically continues according to the subsequent developments. The August 2008 war, causes of the war and the subsequent period are analyzed in the work, as well as developed relations between these two countries. After reviewing this historic perspective, we study to the causes and consequences of the 2008 war, the position of the West and the recognition of independence of Abkhazia and so called South Ossetia by Russia, which represents one of the biggest problems of relations between these two states. It is noteworthy that the current situation between Georgia and Russia influences economic aspects, the fundamental analysis of which is reflected in this work. Political perspectives and the role of civil society is discussed in this work, as to how it is possible to restore relations through the involvement of citizens, as well as the estimated scenarios that can be predicted on the basis of the current situation.1643 284 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication 2008 წლის ომის შედეგად კომპაქტურ დასახლებებში მცხოვრებ იძულებით გადაადგილებულ პირთა სოციალური საჭიროებების და სოციალური მუშაკის როლის კვლევა 2008 წლის ომიდან დღემდე(Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, 2019); ; ; ; Today in Georgia live 273,411 internally displaced person. After leaving the place of residence, they have to deal with various challenges. Including psychological, social, economic problems, unemployment, integration with new environment, stigma and etc.The aim of the research was to study the social needs of IDPs living in compact settlements and the role of social work from 2008 war till now. With the method of quantitative research, there were interviewed 240 IGPs living in compact settlements. Also, there was conducted expert Survey and were interviewed 5 professionals, who have knowledge in the research area. The survey revealed that after the 2008 war, the government and NGOs actively tried to help IDPs and offered them various programs and services, both in material and psycho-social directions. However, the majority of the IGP were mainly using only material services. Despite this, it has been difficult for them to satisfy basic needs and still is. As a result of the research, it was revealed that programs created for IDPs have to be more targeted and long-term.As for social work, the level of awareness with this profession and cooperation among IDPs and social workers are low. Social work was implemented in this community during the crisis period, but most of the respondents did not receive this service. As for today, IDPs are no longer targeted group for social work, and cooperation with them is implemented within the same programs, in which social workers with the general population without IDP status. The survey was conducted by two authors. With the support of the supervisor, they created research design, questionnaire, guideline and interviewed IDPs and experts.180 929 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication 2018 წლის საპრეზიდენტო არჩევნები და მედია(Guram Tavartkiladze Tbilisi Teaching University, 2019); ; ; The history of Gergian elections starts with the establishment of democratic form of state governance. The reflection of elections does not have a long history in Georgia. Therefore, it is important how and in what ways did the newspapers: ,,Sakhartvelos Respublika”, ,,Rezonansi” and Asaval-dasavali” publish the presidential election of 2018. In this work, it is discussed the presidential elections of 2018, their reflection in these three newspapers, it is demonstrated pre-election of the firs and second round, it is shown similarities and differences of the materials coverd by the newspapers and it is concluded how objectively print media reflected the elections results. The main objective of this work is to show how unbiased and fairly was reflected the 2018 presidential elections by those three newspapers.200 623 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication Geopolitical and geoeconomic aspects of the Nagorno-Karabakh military conflict in November 2020The master's thesis presents an overview of the geopolitical and geo economic aspects of the Nagorno-Karabakh military conflict. Also discussed are the foreign directions of the countries in the South Caucasus region and the analysis of internal security problems. Also, the aim of the master's thesis is to analyze the regional aspects of the balance of power based on historical aspects. Presenting the political directions of the South Caucasus region and their dynamics taking into account various factors and circumstances. It must be said that the lasting Caucasian peace and the general balance of power in the region have historically always depended on the interests of a few key geopolitical players. In recent years, these players are: Russia, Turkey, the US, Iran and the EU. The current events should be considered in the context of the balance of power of regional interests of these players. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the establishment of sovereign states in the post-Soviet space, as well as the adjustment of the world political map and global geostrategic changes, again made the South Caucasus a major force in the region. And also as an object of crossing geopolitical interests between players. The situation and stability in the South Caucasus is a very topical issue in the international community. Whereas there are a number of disruptive processes that prevent conflicts from being resolved. In the presented master thesis I will try to fully present and analyze the current situation.979 297 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication 24 საათიან სახელმწიფო მზრუნველობის სისტემაში მყოფ ხანდაზმულთა ბიო-ფსიქო-სოციალური გამოწვევები საქართველოში(Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, 2018); ; ; ; The present work "Bio-psycho-social challenges and needs of the elderly people in the 24 hour statecare system in Georgia" is thesis submitted in partial fulfillement of requirements for the degree of Master in Social Work. The aim of the MA thesisis to study the bio-psycho-social conditions of elderly people in the 24 hour state care system, identify existing challenges and needs and elaborate relevant recommendations. To accomplish this, tasks were oriented to study the four main issues in relation to elderly people: 1) the psychological conditions of beneficiaries; 2)their physical and physiological conditions; 3)the social conditions of the beneficiaries; 4) the neture and quality of the existing services. In order to answer the aims and goals of he research we used the qualitative research methdos: literature review, analysis of documents, in-depth interviews and focus groups with the beneficiaries and expert interviews. The target groups of empirical research was the beneficiaries living in the 24hour state care systemsituated in Tbilisi and western Georgia, namely Kutaisi, Batumi and Samtredia. Overall 46 beneficiaries were interviewed. For expert interviews we have chosen the social worker, doctor and psychologisthaving the practical experience of working with the target group in the institutions. In order to study the condition and attitudes, we used The study revealed that elderly people in the 24-hour state care system are characterized with unstable psychological conditions, which are expressed with high anxiety and depression. The study revealed that the adaptation process of elderly people with the institutions and services is difficult, they suffer with the various types of illnesses. The have a weak social networks,problems in integration into society and are often victims of stigma and discrimination. In general, the beneficiaries declare to be the content with the environment and services, although this is position revealed in comparison to previous situation, beened a homepless. The important factor affecting the level of satisfaction with the service is very much defined with the size of the institution and number of persons living per room.1498 185 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication 21 80 - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Publication 70-იანი წლების საბჭოთა კავშირის სინამდვილის მხატვრული ასახვა სუნʻალლაჰ იბრაჰიმის რომანში „ყინული“(Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, 2019); ; ; The work is aimed at research the basis of one particular Arab novel to see the Soviet Union byvision of Arab author. For this we will consider the facts, which were painted by the Egyptian writer’s in the novel “Ice” by Sun’ Allah Ibrahim. The developments in the novel are based on the personal experience of the writer,which he received in 1971-1973, while studying in Moscow in the Soviet Union. At the work presenteda brief overview of this period from the reality of the Soviet Union that has been strengthened by historical facts.Then comes the excerpts from the novel and analyzes how Arab author looks at this objective reality from his own perspective.277 1059